Airports Near Sedona
Looking to travel to Sedona? There are a number of ways to get in and out of Sedona that do not always require driving your own vehicle or renting a vehicle. Sedona actually has its own airport (think helicopter tours, small planes, and small jets). With this convenience, you can travel in style to Sedona or use airports that surround the area.
1. There is a small airport in Sedona. If you have been in Sedona you probably have seen it, as it sits on one of the highest points in town and has the best views. Airport road is loaded with tourists taking photos of the sun setting. The Sedona airport can accommodate small planes and small turbojets as well. You can find out more about the Sedona airport on their website. Sedona’s airport has accommodated jets for Vice President Joe Biden and luxury jets can assist you in your travel.
2. If you are looking for a larger aircraft, just 39 miles from Sedona is the Flagstaff Airport. The airport’s most common flights are with American Eagle to Phoenix Sky-Harbor Airport. This airport accommodates mostly single-engine aircrafts but airline travel and military aircraft also use this airport. In 2008, Presidential Candidate and U.S. Senator John McCain’s Boeing 737 campaign aircraft visited the Flagstaff airport.
3. Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. This airport is located in downtown Phoenix, Arizona and is one of Arizona’s largest commercial airports you’ll experience. Phoenix Sky Harbor has 116 aircraft gates and three Terminals. British Airways provides the airport’s only transatlantic flight with nonstop service to London-Heathrow airport.
4. Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport is most known for its affordable flights with Allegiant Air. This airport is small and is located 20 miles southeast of Phoenix, Arizona.
Other small airports exist around Sedona, but for distance flights, it’s best to consult with the top four airports above.
Shuttles to and from the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport pick up and drop off in Sedona, Flagstaff, Cottonwood and Camp Verde, Arizona. Some fly into Las Vegas, Nevada and drive the 5 hours to Sedona so that they can add the Grand Canyon
While Sedona, Arizona is a rural area, there are a number of options in making your transport comfortable for whatever the flight need.
About: DEBnAIR Real Estate is located in Sedona, Arizona. Debb Carl and Airen Sapp are Premier Agents with Zillow and Trulia on Zillow Real Estate
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